Nature Spirit Card Readings

Nature is the source of all true knowledge.
— Leonardo da Vinci

There was a time when our ways were intimately woven with the pulse of the natural world. The answers to Life’s great questions were found not in books but in quiet communion with the voices of Mother Earth and the Cosmos. All living things have a presiding spirit… from the mighty oak tree, wise blue whale, soaring eagle, fragrant flower, to the tiny bee, each animal, plant, and element was seen as sacred and was honored for the gift it brought to the greater Circle of Life.

We are all connected. Everything we are, think, feel, and do within this great Web of Life, will be felt, in some manner, by all. All life forms are regarded as sacred and are honored for their intrinsic power and qualities, as well as their roles as teachers. Their behaviors, characteristics, and appearance all hold information, power, and wisdom to be gained if we take the time to observe, connect, and reflect upon their “medicine” to inform our own lives. Their teachings are both real and symbolic, and they represent something meaningful and universal that can help guide us as we navigate the world. In fact, different spirit animals and other beings come into our lives at various stages and phases, offering us divine messages to help us along our path.

These Animal, Tree, & Spirit Card Readings are a doorway to reconnect with the wisdom of Nature. Thus, igniting and deepening your experience of YOUR True Nature. Through honoring the messages and insights shared, we deepen our connection to our own path and calling, while awakening our role in the preservation, purpose, and balance of Life. Now is the time. Listen to the whispered call of Nature’s guidance and encouragement.

Imagine tapping into the guidance of the Spirit of Nature as you travel through the rich terrain of your life, discovering new and uncharted territories.


READINGS - There are various options to choose from to support greater clarity, understanding, and guidance:

Past, Present, Future 

This reading explores factors that have influenced your past, present, and future.

TRee Transformation REading

This powerful reading tunes into the vast and deep wisdom of trees. Utilizing the incredible oracle cards of Flora Rudolph we explore the essential and significant messages trees are patiently waiting to share with us. Trees are aware of us and vibrantly alive, even interactive. There has never been a more critical time to open, listen, and receive their messages. As an oracle, the Tree Transformation deck is rich with practical guidance and soulful depth that unfolds and transforms with each inquiry. This Tree Transformation Reading brings a new aliveness, insight, clarity, and peace like no other.

Medicine Wheel Reading

This reading explores the energies present in your life in each area of the Medicine Wheel. Respecting and honoring this sacred, indigenous tradition, we are inspired and learn greater truths. Each of the directions reveals certain things that you may need to reflect upon in your personality and/or life. The cards also disclose how you are learning from yourself, from others, from the animals, and Life itself. The card in the center is the Sacred Mountain or Sacred Tree position.

Choose this Animal Spirit oracle spread when you need a greater understanding of the inner forces at work in your life today. 


Attainment Reading

Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future. This reading explores both your weaknesses and strengths and suggest areas in which you will have to make some effort to ensure you reach your goals. 

Relationship Reading

This reading concentrates on the dynamics of your relationship with another person. The other person may be anyone in your life such as a mate, family member, friend or business partner. This reading can be used to explore your relationship with a group as well. 

The Star Reading

This oracle spread is often used to explore a very specific question. To use this Animal Spirit spread concentrate on a question to put before the cards. 


Vision Quest Reading

This reading focuses on solving a major life challenge. It explores the pattern currently at work in your life, and possible solutions. 


Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon Reading

Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future. This reading explores both your weaknesses and strengths, and suggest areas in which you will have to make some effort to ensure you reach your goals. 

The Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon reading presents a balanced path for the individual to take to reach a successful outcome to a specific question. The animal spirit that appears in the Grandfather Sun position represents the active energy that's called for at this time; the animal spirit in the Grandmother Moon position represents the passive or receptive energy necessary. The Outcome Animal Spirit card represents the results you can expect if you manage to maintain a balanced path.



“There are more roots than branches,” the old wise ones said. This expression notes the importance of knowing what is beneath the surface. The Moon Lodge Spread is a mirror of your own personal unconscious. The world knows you outwardly, but only you can know the forces moving deep within yourself. The Moon Lodge Spread is therefore a tool to help you uncover that which is hidden. With this spread it is possible to clear away the veil of lies and self-deceptions that may be thwarting your growth.




This spread is used to determine the outcome of projects or group enterprises. Four cards are drawn and placed in the classic directional positions on the medicine wheel, i.e., East, South, West, and North. These cards will indicate the various phases your project or activity will move through toward its conclusion.

The Coming Year Reading

This Animal Spirit Reading is used to reveal key influences that will effect your life from month to month over the next year. In this reading Animal Spirit Influences may repeat themselves. Indeed, you may find that the same animal spirit reflects the primary influence of many months in the year before you.